Bass Clinic FAQ's

General Policies

1. The camp will host up to 20 anglers at each event.

2. Supervision will be provided at all times. There will be a counselor with the group at all times.

3. All anglers must stay in designated housing, unless prior approval is granted.

4. The weather in Louisiana varies considerably, bring appropriate clothing for the time you are scheduling.  This may include rain gear, warm clothes,  sunscreen, swimsuit and protective clothing.

5. Please bring a small backpack with essentials such as sunscreen, bug spray, camera, towel etc.

6. Participants are allowed to bring 2 rod & reel combos and a small tackle bag, but it is not necessary. Fishing gear will be provided.

7. Cell phones will not be allowed during classroom time, they will not be allowed to be used during tournament except for taking pictures.

8. Please call my cell phone for emergencies 318-990-9191.

9. The summer camp includes a tournament on Friday. Parents are encouraged to be at the tournament weigh-in on and stay for the awards ceremony.

10. If parents need a place to stay while the anglers are participating in the camp, Cypress Bend is a great local hotel. You can book a room by calling 318-590-1500 or visit their website at Indicate that you will be there for the Bass Fishing Camp.

11. All participants will be required to have either a Louisiana or Texas fishing license. You can purchase a Louisiana license online by following this link,

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